41.0322802° N, -75.2133405° W
Register Now for this eventWelcome, church worship musicians, vocalists, graphic artists and sound technicians!
Dan Wilt is an internationally respected speaker, storyteller, creative leader and author. For over 30 years in 12 countries he has served as keynote speaker in events, conferences and seminars, and encouraged over 2 million listeners each week on the “Keep the Faith” radio program. He’s been a companion for hundreds of leaders in the arts on their journey of leadership, discipleship, and faithful influence. As a worship leader and songwriter (Vineyard Worship), Dan leads with poetic sensibility, contemplative awareness, and theological depth.
Learn more about Dan at danwilt.com.
Jamal Sarikoki is a skilled organist, pianist, violinist, vocalist and conductor with a passion for creating powerful worship experiences. He recently took on a new role as Director of Classic Worship at Christ Church in Oakbrook, Illinois, and had previously served as Minister of Music & Worship at Venice Presbyterian Church, Florida. Jamal has helped the congregations he’s worked with to experience significant growth in choral ministry participation and worship attendance.
Over the years, Jamal has partnered with choir members and instrumentalists to perform major concerts attended by thousands of people; one highlight was the opportunity to conduct Handel’s Messiah with a 200-voice chorus, professional soloists and orchestra at West Point Cadet Chapel.
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